Benefits Plus Financial
About Us
About Benefits Plus Financial
Douglas Homeyer is a proud servant of the St. Petersburg community who brings more than 38 years of experience to his mission as the founder and president of Benefits Plus Financial. Douglas’s passion and purpose is to help people make the most positive choices with their financial planning and retirement planning, and as a highly qualified CLU®, LUTCF®, RHU®, he takes a holistic approach with everyone from beginners to seasoned investors. “You don’t know what you don’t know” is Douglas’s motto, and he’s here to give you the confidence and peace of mind that can be yours as you master your current and future financial outlook.
For Douglas, financial planning is really a family legacy: his father and mentor, Curtis G. Homeyer, CLU®, CHFC®, served and assisted clients in his own practice for over 50 years. Since moving to St. Pete from Little Rock, AR, Doug has jumped into the rich local culture with both feet. He’s a member of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce, volunteers for the city, and enjoys all the outdoor recreational activities that the Florida sunshine has to offer. Give Douglas a call, whatever the situation may be, and you’ll find that he really believes in that old saying: “I’ve never met a stranger.”