Healthy Solutions
Holistic Health
Monday - Friday, 9 AM- 6 PM, Evenings and Saturday by appointment, Close Sunday
Driving Directions:
I can meet people in their home, office or at a mutually agreeable public location.
About Us
I represent a health and wellness manufacturing company doing business as Healthy Solutions.
I educate people on the toxic products you use in your home every day that's making you sick and you don't realize it. I then refer you directly to the manufacturer where you can replace the toxic products with toxic free, plant based products that are jawdroppingly affective at Walmart and Target prices or less.
I don't personally sell anything. I refer you to the company and if you see the tremendous value, I help you open an account with them. You are simply taking the money you are already spending someplace else and just switching stores. You get safer, greener and toxic free products delivered directly to your door, 100% money back guarantee and cancel any time.
Video Media
- Toxic Free
- Plant Based
- Backed by Science
- 80 - 90% Absorption Rate
- 96% company wide retention rate.
